If you’ve ever heard the advice to put a crayon in your wallet when you travel, you might be wondering what the purpose of this strange tip is. While it may seem like a strange thing to do, there are actually several good reasons why you might want to consider adding a crayon to your travel essentials. Here’s a closer look at why you might want to put a crayon in your wallet when you travel, along with some other useful tips for packing your wallet for a trip.

A Crayon Can Serve As An Impromptu Candle

One reason to put a crayon in your wallet when you travel is that it can serve as an impromptu candle in a pinch. Crayons are made of wax, and if you light the end of one, it will burn for a short period of time. This can be useful in situations where you need a little bit of light and don’t have access to a proper candle or flashlight. For example, if you’re camping and your flashlight batteries die, you can use a crayon as a temporary light source.

A Crayon Can Serve As An Impromptu Candle

A Crayon Can Be Used To Mark Your Luggage

Another reason to pack a crayon in your wallet when you travel is that it can be used to mark your luggage. If you’re worried about your luggage getting lost or mixed up with someone else’s, you can use a crayon to write your name or a distinctive mark on your luggage. This will make it easier to identify your bags at baggage claim or on the carousel. Just be sure to choose a color that will stand out against the color of your luggage.

A Crayon Can Be Used To Fill In Missing Information On Forms

In some cases, you may need to fill out a form or document while you’re traveling, but you don’t have a pen or pencil on hand. In this situation, a crayon can be a handy tool to have in your wallet. While it may not be the most permanent solution, a crayon can be used to fill in missing information on a form or document until you can get access to a pen or pencil.

Other Useful Items To Pack In Your Wallet When You Travel

In addition to a crayon, there are a few other useful items you might want to consider packing in your wallet when you travel. These can include:

  • Emergency cash: It’s always a good idea to have a little bit of emergency cash on hand in case you run into a situation where you can’t use your credit or debit card.
  • A copy of your passport: If you lose your passport while you’re traveling, having a copy of it in your wallet can make it easier to get a replacement.
  • Emergency contact information: In case of an emergency, it’s helpful to have contact information for a trusted friend or family member in your wallet.
  • Travel insurance information: If you have travel insurance, you may want to pack your policy information in your wallet in case you need to file a claim while you’re away.

Other Useful Items To Pack In Your Wallet When You Travel

Tips For Packing Your Wallet For A Trip

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when packing your wallet for a trip:

  • Only bring what you need: It’s important to only bring the essentials with you in your wallet when you travel. This will help keep your wallet from getting too heavy and will make it easier to find things when you need them.
  • Use a wallet with RFID protection: If you’re worried about identity theft, you may want to consider using a wallet with RFID protection while you’re traveling. RFID (radio-frequency identification) protection helps to prevent thieves from using scanners to steal your credit card or passport information.
  • Keep your wallet organized: To make it easier to find things in your wallet, try to keep it organized and free of clutter. Consider using dividers or compartments to separate different types of items, and get rid of any old or unnecessary cards or receipts.

In conclusion, there are several good reasons why you might want to put a crayon in your wallet when you travel. A crayon can serve as an impromptu candle, be used to mark your luggage, or fill in missing information on forms. In addition to a crayon, there are several other useful items you might want to consider packing in your wallet when you travel, such as emergency cash, a copy of your passport, emergency contact information, and travel insurance information. By following these tips, you can make sure your wallet is well-equipped to handle any challenges that come your way while you’re on the road.

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